Violin Junior: Lesson Book 1


Método criativo de violino para crianças a partir dos 5 anos.

Violin Junior 1 (pdf)



REF: 0 64-23101 Categoria: Etiquetas: , , , ,

Autor: Stephen, Ros

Editora: Schott

Ref: 0 64-23101


Hold the Violin like a Sports Star!
Pizzicato Open-String Pieces
Composing with String Colours
Bars and Bar Lines
Quarter Notes/ Crotchets, 4/4 Time Signature
2/4 Time Signature
Quarter-Note Rests / Crotchet Rests
3/4 Time Signature
Holding the Bow
First Pieces with the Bow
String Crossing
Levitating Bow, Retakes
Half Notes/Minims
Dotted Half Notes/ Dotted Minims
Introduction to the Left Hand
Playing with the 1st Finger
Long Bows and Short Bows
Whole Notes/Semibreves
Playing with the 2nd Finger
Eighth Notes/Quavers
Improvising Sheep
Playing with the 3rd Finger
The Musical Ladder
Tied Notes
Gradual Dynamic Changes
Accented Notes
Slurring Two Notes
Playing with the 4th Finger
Slurring Three Notes
1st and 2nd Ending/1st and 2nd-Time Bars
Appendix: Scales and Arpeggios

Peso 0.400 kg